Episode 90: Knives Out: The Recipe for Trusting Fate & Pursuing Your Passion with Laurent Dagenais

Laurent Dagenais is a chef and social media phenom who was born and raised in Montreal where he quickly carved out a space in the culinary scene. With his creativity and one-of-a-kind approach, he aims to pass on techniques in a fun, spirited way by creating playful, easy-to-make, and delicious dishes that inspire people to spend more time in the kitchen.

Millions around the world are along for the ride - Laurent has over 4 million followers on Instagram and TikTok and growing.

Laurentā€™s debut cookbook, Always Hungry!, is a bold project that includes 70 recipes including 20 viral video recipes adored by millions. 

You can follow Laurent:

Instagram: @laurent.dagenais

TikTok: @laurent.dagenais

Youtube: @laurentdagenais (Always Hungry)